Saturday, January 19, 2013

Will technology save or destroy mankind in the (distant) future?

"Will technology save or destroy mankind in the (distant) future?"

I personally think we will get more good out of technology then bad, I think it will probably help us overcome alot of things that could have wiped us out

-without technology we couldn't find cures for disease and would still die from the common cold, this happens rare now unless you already have some rare disease like AIDs

-technology gives the world more jobs, there can only be so many farmers and blacksmiths before theres so much of anything that the economy goes bad

-technology has helped grow food quicker and allowed for the ability to take out cellular characteristics that are bad for us

-that so called nuke to destroy our earth could probably be used like in the movie armageddon, blow up an astroid on its way to hit earth

-technology has allowed us to travel faster, you may not care about it now, but lets say your arm fell off all of a sudden and blood went everywhere that ambulence can get you to qualified doctors quicker...a real life saver

technology is what can help society, its just how people use that the real question is will humanity save or destroy itself

this just proves how true it is that humans always like to blame something else for their own faults